As SixZero LLC, we are seller of high-quality merchandise for our customers and we pride ourselves in being your business partner for housewares, hardware, cleaning, beauty, office products, etc. & much more top-quality brands!

We have come a long way since our founding. We started with an idea, then turned that idea into a business plan, and today we are working hard towards sustainable production, sustainable consumption, and offering the best solutions to our customers.

We have developed good relationships with the top wholesalers and distributors in the industry, so we can offer you the best possible prices. One of our main expertise is getting the “hot” in-demand items that everyone is searching for. We have some of the best connections around to get these items and bring them to you. We have even bought out complete inventories of dealers and stores to gain the best possible prices for our inventory.

Our objective is to serve our customers’ needs by offering a wide variety of products, along with the knowledge to back the products that we sell.

As you continue your patronage with our company, it is our goal to earn your confidence and satisfaction. Whether you are a customer with whom we conduct thousand dollar sales or one dollar sales, we want you to know that you can count on us. We hope to never fall short of your expectations, but if we do, please don’t hesitate to tell us. We will take care of you.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us with questions, comments, or suggestions.

We are here for you, and to build trust in e-commerce.